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pictures of you_
tamoadmin 2024-09-03 人已围观
简介1.Pictures of you Unkonwn 谁唱的2.we took many of pictures...何错?真巧,我也是听到了这首歌不知道名字,昨晚上找了好久没找到,今天倒是运气不错,终于被我找到了~哈哈~~相信应该跟你说的是同一首。。。unknown-pictures of you具体谁唱的我还没弄清楚,不过歌名一定是pictures of you啦~~~~~Pictures of
1.Pictures of you Unkonwn 谁唱的
2.we took many of pictures...何错?
unknown-pictures of you
具体谁唱的我还没弄清楚,不过歌名一定是pictures of you啦~~~~~
Pictures of you Unkonwn 谁唱的
将原句改为: These pictures are of me when I was a kid.
很容易理解吧 :这些是我小时候照的照片
估计你原句是be of you 不理解 特别是以疑问式给出 你就没理解了
we took many of pictures...何错?
首先你打错了一个单词。 Unknown,不是Unkonwn。 其次可以肯定的是,这不是歌名,因为不符合语法。 歌名应该是Pictures Of You。 Unknown不是歌手,而是“不知道歌手是谁”的意思。 首先请确认你说的歌是这首: ://.qq190/play/9237/234901.shtml 如果是的话,下面是歌词: pictures of you what getting closer,too far away can't stop my heart from caring the days so i'll be waiting for you to call,it's the only thing i know to break this odd tell you,.....i'll be busy waiting here en.............when i'm missing you but i know that i 'm gonna get by with all these pictures of you ,they keep me closer to you i see you everytime i close my eyes it's like you're already with me,baby you never lee oh~~~~,i keep all these pictures of you i memorize you ,in every way a thousand pictures of you in the day, you gonna waken, feel i get here turn every corner i see you there,i can't wait tell you,.....i'll be busy losing my mind en.............i really really miss you ,baby but i know that i 'm gonna get by with all these pictures of you ,they keep me closer to you i see you everytime i close my eyes it's like you're already with me,baby you never lee oh~~~~,i just wanna close my eyes to get closer oh~~~~,i feel you want my shoulder... oh~~~~,and cherish all these pictures of you oh~~~~,i keep all these pictures of you 我在英文版GOOGLE里仔细找了很久,发现这首歌不属于任何专辑,只是一首单曲。歌手未知。
many of you是你们中的很多人
应该是We took many pictures.
We took many pictures for you.
才说 Many of the pictures..........